Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week May 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place between 9th-15th May 2022.

This year's theme is Loneliness. We will be encouraging children (and adults) to explore the experience of loneliness, its effect on our mental health and how we can all play a part in reducing loneliness in schools and our wider communities. Find out more about the national campaign on the Mental Health Foundation website.

Across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland we are working together to raise awareness and educate children and young people about loneliness through a variety of resources and engagement activities.

All the resources can be downloaded via the Google Drive.

The activities are designed for tutor time/registration (10-15 minutes in length), but they can be extended to form a lesson. The drive contains Resource Part 1 (containing an overview of the loneliness tasks/ideas), Resources Part 2 (containing more information, activities, and ideas), a Myth Busting Quiz (required for one of the suggested activities) and English Loneliness School Pack (required for some activities). There are activities related to loneliness for each day of Mental Health Awareness Week. Each day has a theme:

  • Monday - Normalising Loneliness
  • Tuesday - Myth Busting
  • Wednesday - What can you do to help yourself?
  • Thursday - What you can do to help others?
  • Friday - Sustainability

Mental Health Resources for Parents and Support Services

Early Years (ages 0-5)

Primary School (ages 5-11)

Secondary School (Ages 11-16)

Other Support Services

Click on the area you are from to access the appropriate signposting information:

  • Leicester - MyChoice - a directory for care and support products and services or people living within Leicester City.
  • Leicestershire - First Contact Plus - an online tool which helps people in Leicestershire find information about a range of services all in one place (16 years +).
  • Rutland: Rutland Community Wellbeing Service - deliver an effective first response to all, through an interactive website, single telephone number and drop-in services.