Resources for Teaching Staff

Drug Education

Pin board saying 'support'

Classroom Resources


  • Frank a range of facts about drugs with access to A-Z list of drugs, news articles and support.
  • NSPCC information and advice on how to keep children safe and aware of the risks.
  • Cannabis edibles - information below for educational professionals around what are edibles, what do they look like, how do people purchase Cannabis edibles, what are the risks and what support is available.
  • Professional Information network (PIN) is a drug alert system organised for people working together from Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland. There asking local services/groups/ educational establishments to sign up. See information below on how to become a member and receive information notices/alerts as and when they are issued.

Guidance Documents

  • DfE Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco training (primary)
  • Drug Education Forum how to engage parents in schools and in the community.
  • The Department for Education have created a guidance document, drug advice for schools, which you can view below.
  • The Leicestershire Healthy Schools Team have created guidance to support schools to develop their own Drug, Alcohol, & Tobacco Policy. Please find the document below.