RSE practitioner training for secondary schools

RSE practitioner training for secondary schools

Date: Thu, 27th May 2021, 09:30 - 16:00

Venue: Online Via Zoom

This one-day training course will develop participants knowledge, skills, competencies and confidence to deliver high quality Relationships and Sex Education in KS3, 4 & 5.

The course will include an update on policy and curriculum requirements and lesson planning and will look at the principles behind developing age-appropriate whole school RSE programmes but will focus more on practical classroom pedagogy.

We will look at 'What works' when teaching PSHE best practice in the classroom and effective approaches teaching topics like: consent, positive relationships, pornography, sexting, contraception and STIs, gender identity and information on local services, and ways to respond to challenging questions that might arise when meeting the expectations of the DfE RSHE Guidance – and more


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